
Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor Book Series

Books by Randolph (1863), Chintamon (1874), Grimke (1900), and Astley (1913) are linked through fifty years of literary history to the same small organization. The History of the Adepts book series is now renamed as Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor to make the description more informative about how these four books are related. (The blog title is unchanged.) Randolph’s and Chintamon’s books predated the 1884 formation of the HBL; Astley’s was published after the organization collapsed in Colorado in 1909 and Benjamin Williams was invited by some of its leaders to author a new set of lessons that would be published by a new organization in California, the Brotherhood of Light. Grimke is the central figure in the series timeline, whose chronology connects with all the others in various ways: philosophical, political, spiritual, and personal.