from the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History
The complete edition of Ghost Land includes the first publication in book form of Volume Two, set in the 1880s and 90s but featuring experiences the author Britten had in the 1850s and 60s in the US as “Mrs. Hardinge.” She has become allied with Thomas H. Burgoyne and the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor by the time the second volume appears. He resides in the Monterey Bay region from 1886 through 1889, then is found in Mendocino County by 1891 as a ranch owner. This illuminates the California connections between Ghost Land and The Light of Egypt.

This Santa Cruz County tourism website provides photos and information about the stretch of coast described in Volume Two of Ghost Land. Britten had not been in California in years by this point but Burgoyne had lived there for several years and was enthralled by the scenery, as was Elbert Benjamine years later.