Blog Elbert Benjamine

Benjamine Family History

The tall young man in the upper right of the class photo is Elbert Benjamine, son of Will Benjamine and grandson of Elbert Benjamine, born Benjamin Parker Williams. Elbert Senior and Will parted abruptly during WW2 following the death of Elizabeth Benjamine, and Will founded a short-lived rival group with his wife Ann. Twins Norman and Zilla, youngest children born after Elbert and Grace were divorced, kept the Williams surname and stayed in southern California, as did Elbert’s first wife Grace, mother of his five children, who died in 1986 at the age of 103. Their oldest son Ben Williams remained in Iowa as best I can discern from records, perhaps because next in line to help his mother run a chicken farm when his parents divorced in 1909. Apologies for the lack of citations, but my subscriptions to and have expired so I cannot retrieve them.