As the Sun enters Aquarius today, here is one of the most famous Aquarians of his time, born 11:38 pm, 2/11/1847 in Milan, Ohio. Edison was associated with Alexander Wilder and Helena Blavatsky when he joined the Theosophical Society in April 1878. By the end of 1877 William and Emma Hardinge Britten had left for Australia and in late 1878 Helena Blavatsky and Henry Olcott departed for India, but possibly Edison continued to be acquainted with Wilder who stayed in the New York area.

A series of monthly Ghost Land excerpts with commentary will appear through 2026; for 2025 there are nine more astrological profiles of important people to share from the BOL Lessons. Changes may be made in this 2025 schedule, but here is the plan: Piscean Luther Burbank, Arian Harry Houdini, Taurean Alice Faye, Geminian Abdul Baha, Leo Amelia Earhart, Virgoan Jesse James, Libran Mohandas Gandhi, Scorpio Billy Sunday, Sagittarian Noel Coward. (Cancerian Nikola Tesla was the first one featured, Aquarian Edison the second.) The BOL Lessons have much to say about Decanates and aspects, Moon and ascendant positions of the same historical figures, so categorizing them by sun signs is only one of many ways to look at their charts.