
Max Theon

This 1994 chapter includes what I now recognize as misinformation, based on other researchers and superseded by subsequent research. Corrections are below the chapter.

  1. Peter Davidson was Scottish but d’Alton/Burgoyne was English, as was Theon’s wife.
  2. In thirty years I have found no documentary evidence of the existence of the Coptic magician Paolos Metamon, nor of Ooton Liatto, an alleged Cypriot magician.
  3. The most significant sources of HBofL doctrines were Emma Hardinge Britten and Edward Bulwer-Lytton rather than any of the sources named in the chapter.

Theon’s natal chart can be found on this website:

As the Sun enters Scorpio I share this profile of the most mysterious Scorpio native encountered in decades of historical investigation.