♊ ♎ ♒
The three duties of Bearing Arms, Obeying Orders and Providing Rations, comprised under the Airy Triplicity, relate more to the special training and individual discipline of the warrior, yet none the less necessary and important to his success, for the properly drilled and thoroughly disciplined warrior, having completed the three sides of the Airy Triplicity, stands forth as the wonder-working magician, able to transform light into the bread of Heaven, or the power to put into use the knowledge gained.
First, if he knows how to bear arms, i. e., to properly formulate with his esoteric hands; second, if he has thoroughly vitalized his purposes from a strict obedience to the laws of polar opposites and equilibrium; third, then he has only to strike the third note of the chord to realize his undertakings completed and actualized, and himself nourished and sustained as are the angels of light themselves.
Properly formulated and vitalized, his thoughts cannot return unto him void. Herein is the awful, the divinely and unspeakably awful force of this law of equilibrium or balance. They cannot return void, and if they have been revengeful, malicious or covetous, and have worked out results of sorrow and suffering to others, then, as he has measured so will it be measured out to him. Sooner or later will they complete their orbit and find him out. Polar opposites, vitalized, are the same things as centrifugal and centripetal forces set in motion. They will describe a circle. Mortal cannot annul Divine law.
The warrior has now reached a point where he must become a breadmaker. First, the loaves must be kneaded and formulated with the hands (♊); second, the loaves must be vitalized, fomented by an understanding of (♎) the equipoise of the two opposite forms of force, in order that, third, he may realize himself nourished and sustained and finally thus self- sustaining (♒).
His bread must be either life-giving or life-destroying, for, once formulated and fomented (vitalized), his loaves cannot return to him void.
It is perfectly possible for him to formulate expressions or images for what is absolutely impossible and unthinkable. It is also possible for him to seemingly vitalize his phantoms, but the awful results of this kind of breadmaking are sure to follow. His phantoms become vampires, which feed upon him, and even upon all who ignorantly come within his mental atmosphere. Yet this possibility must not deter the warrior, for he must be a breadmaker. He must put into practical use that which he has made himself acquainted with; he must let his cup overflow, so as to benefit those who walk with him. Inaction is as fatal as to create vampires for unthinkables and impossibilities. Therefore, let the work rely upon the purity of his motive, which is soul unfoldment and the attainment of his celestial heritage knowing that, sooner or later, the law will be revealed to him from within, how those loaves which turn out failures and abortions can be neutralized and nothingized.
If he is free from covetousness, vainglory and sensuousness, then let him work only to know truth and realize justice, and he will find himself self-sustaining and able to command in emergencies, and finally find within himself an image of that creative force which, in its turn, images the Divine creative will, or center of the universe.
This law of the creative, or bread-making, syllogism is universal in its application, from the most seeming and external life up to the highest symbolic form of our present phase of Earth life, or child creating, in which the human approaches the nearest to the Divine parent.
To a certain extent, the warrior must have a varied and large experience throughout all the worlds of form-making. He must work unceasingly, as does the Great Creator. Herein is the import of the command to be “fruitful, increase and multiply;” not that man and woman are to devote their whole time, thought and energies to populating the globe, as the selfish sensualist proclaims from the house-top in order to procure a license for his own secret sins, but through that equilibrium gained by the harmonious blending and fusing of polar opposites, or twin souls.
His thoughts, truths, or bread, will be his children, who will guide and sustain him as well as those who partake of such royal dainties, born from the union of formulation and vitalization. Thus the bread-winner becomes the bread-distributor, and the loaves of understanding will not be void.
The consciousness of his dual self evolved through his journey on the first side of the Airy Triangle ♊, and where he learns to formulate, and on the second side (♎), where the creative principles are balanced — then, and not until then, does he become capable of breadmaking, or creating self-sustenance; and when he is able and strong enough to walk alone he must support others, for we cannot receive unless we also give. Thenceforward the warrior can enjoy the promise of his Creator: “For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance; but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath,” and cast forth upon the universal currents the life-sustaining rations of his own winning, not in floods or great downpours, but as the gentle, soothing, rippling waves of (♒).
In bearing arms the warrior is subject to the higher commands of his being, and is, in action, manipulated by the arms — not the arm, but the arms, implying the utter uselessness of one alone. The brave, positive Castor must be balanced by his mate, Pollux; thus the training and culture necessary for bearing arms correctly, as a skilled warrior, every movement known, and at what moment to so execute the laws of his will that they will not conflict with Nature’s laws and bring failure and sorrow for his ignorant disobedience.
Herein self is forgotten, self is lost in the recognition of the two as one, equalized, blended as one.
This awful mystery of self, this life-destroying monster, when alone, stalking about as the imperious I. Selfishness of the past must be lost, for now he becomes the man; that selfishness that ruled and regulated the life of the lower forms through which the soul was gaining experience before the plane of reason and intuition had been reached, and then only can perfect obedience and equilibrium be attained.
Bearing arms is wearisome, obeying orders difficult, and demands an indefatigable exercise in Watching, Listening and patient advancement that the balance is not tilted by misjudgements.
Then the warrior can traverse his kingdom and scan the circumference of his ground in so far as he has reached in his watch-tower. More climbing is to be done, hence sustenance is required; therefore he must utilize his balanced forces and provide his own self-sustaining rations. Another’s winnings or knowledge would not sustain and give him the freedom in exploring his universe in search of the object of his journey — Truth.
What constitute the Rations?
The attributes evolved on each side of the four equilateral triangles of Fire, Air, Earth and Water.
Providing Rations is externalizing the twelve manners of fruits, each division of his own kingdom providing the necessary material.
The truths that spring from every side of the triangles in the fourfold elements are food and sustenance to his soul.
His journey is not yet complete. He is now in the realm of Imagery. Knowledge and experience are necessary in this creative realm.
He must bear arms with caution. The Lance of Light and Truth must be borne aloft constantly, that impossible imageries may not be formulated and spring into active expression to impede his progress.
His desires and loyal aspirations make him charitable to all life. Yet the true warrior must not hesitate at sacrifices. He must become master of his own kingdom, hence must make the lives born from his own thoughts subject and useful to his Divine will.
The higher he ascends into the tower the brighter becomes his Ray of Light, the expanse of country broader, and new things appear to his vision, new conditions present themselves. A new stimulus to action is received. Responsibility is increased and more knowledge is required, and ever on and on.
Life is motion, as the Airy Triplicity symbolizes, and motion is eternal.