Blog Sarah Stanley Grimké

A Tour Through the Zodiac- Sagittarius by Sarah Stanley Grimké



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As the victims have been slaughtered and consumed by the flames, the warrior must carefully collect together the ashes, or remnants, into the Sacred Urn of Pure-Heart, and then, placing them before the bar of conscience, await the responses.

These responses are judgments, proceeding from the Divinity within. If the offerings have been good and acceptable, and the rites properly observed, then the replies will surely be auspicious. But if the two former duties have not been properly performed, then am I guilty of the most awful sacrilege in approaching the Divinity profanely.

According to my own actions am I judged; my own conscience is the arbiter. This judge must give the decisions according to the manner in which the sentinel and the sacrificial priest have performed their tasks, for the judgment follows as inevitably as when, having placed two sides of an equilateral triangle together at the proper angle, the third side is the response, depending upon the other two.

Again, this response is the third note in the primary chord. If I have struck the first two, there is only one other which possibly can complete the chord.

Again, this response is the conclusion, or third term, in the perfect syllogism. The sentinel upon the watch-tower, having properly performed his duty, states the major premise; the sacrifice, with its implied suffering, gives out the minor note or premise; the Oracle speaks out the conclusion. Although the conclusion of a syllogism is its third term, yet it expresses the mystery of the trinity, for it is a trinity, and at the same time an organic unity. It combines the major and minor premises into a higher unity, which differs from either of them, just as the molecule of water combines two dissimilar elements into a unity differing from its component parts, and also as H and O combine with a lightning flash of soul which accompanies the combining together of the two premises of a syllogism into their higher unity, and is an intuitive spark from the altar of Divinity.

This altar is my Hearth ♐ of Pure- Heart. Unless this Urn is sufficiently purified by properly accepting (not rejecting) the experiences of life, it cannot receive the ashes of the sacrifice and impart to them the Divine Spark which makes them over into a living, organic unity, on a higher plane than they were before, nor raise in power and might the ashes of actions sown in weakness and watered with tears of suffering. This expresses the mystery of the re-birth, whereby the physical body is raised to the plane of spiritual body while yet in the possession of the physical.

This is that which constitutes the spiritual plane upon which one is born. There is a Divine correspondence, and the latent possibilities of the soul have the corresponding possibilities in the brain, which can be brought forth to usefulness while in the physical body. Bringing about the harmony between the two constitutes re-birth.

There is only one way of being re-born, just as there is only one way to be born into the physical, and this one way is revealed through the fiery syllogism (triplicity), the major premise of which is Truth Realized from the Sentry’s Watch-tower, the minor premise of which is Love Actualized by the Sacrifice of Burnt Offerings, the conclusion of which is Life Immortalized, or lifted from the plane of Time to Eternity. This conclusion is the Immaculate Conception of the re-birth, which is conscious son-ship with the Father.

Truth realized frees from every illusion of sense and casts out every error and all diseases. Truth realized is liberty, for from or by the power born of Knowledge you can be free.

Love actualized, or practiced, recognizes the Divine origin of every soul, and that every form of life and condition is necessary to the unfoldment of the soul in its evolutionary steps of progress, and, comprehending the law of contradictories, knows only universal charity and communion of saints, those who have passed through the fires of purification and learned the lessons therein taught, without prejudice, sentiment or pain. Love actualized is Fraternity. Then are we able to look upon all life as one Divine Whole, recognizing all as one fraternity, each filling the necessary notes in the Anthem of Creative Life.

Life eternalized, making every moment eternity, lifts the soul to a plane above illusion. Realizing the realities of life leaves no room for illusions where, grasping the equality of ratios, it knows only Oneness. But this true equality with God distinguishes between thoughts and thinkers. The recognition of God’s variety of life, form, color, etc., are each equally necessary to the fulfillment of the Divine plan. This is the only law of equality. Life, thus eternalized, is equality.

Liberty, Fraternity and Equality must ever be the war-cry of the true warrior. But if the offerings, or truths, seen from the watch-tower through the first side of the Fiery Triangle are not acceptable, nor the sacrifices of our past ideas and illusions properly observed or parted with, then, instead of liberty, comes renewed bondage to error and disease; instead of fraternity, failures, strife and murder; instead of equality with Divinity, there is a descent to the lower sphere and union with demons and fiends.

On the other hand, the Ascetic who mutilates, denies, the truths realized in the major premise from the sentry’s watch-tower, and destroys the offerings, the knowledge thus revealed, and who refuses the experiences of the sacrifices can never hear the responses nor know the mystery of re-birth. In either case, remorse and repentance, in themselves, are perfectly stupid, and only delay realization.

The suffering implied in remorse is not a true and acceptable sacrifice, for the major premise is still wrong, for truth never brings remorse. Remorse implies a misconception of the nature of reality. If I have struck the wrong note in my chord, and experienced inharmony, I only make the more haste to strike the right note. I waste no time in groaning over the dismal sound.