It has been a blessing to reunite this summer with Virginia Beach cousins who are working on a photographic archive drawing on several lines of family history in Virginia and North Carolina. As friends, neighbors, and in-laws of the Cayce family, they have inherited photos and documents about Virginia Beach in the twentieth century which complement my own research from thirty years ago.

This excerpt is the first few pages of the first chapter. The entire introduction is available on
A recent unsigned Amazon review recognizes the uniqueness of the book as the “only truly scholarly” book on Cayce:
I’ve been frustrated by articles and other books about Edgar Cayce because so much of the information is not supported by citations, hence not verifiable. This book is different; he at least gives his source for everything he says. The introduction is also one of the best-written overviews of Cayce’s life I’ve read, worthwhile for skeptic and believer alike.