
A Tour Through the Zodiac- Scorpio by Sarah Stanley Grimké



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The early morning of the great day has at length arrived. The hour so long awaited and so carefully prepared for has come, and the warrior now descends from the heights of his watch-tower, armed with the Ray-of-Light of Lance and Knowledge to meet the enemies of the battle ground. The war-cry is sounded, and echoed from center to circumference.

He has descended into matter, into the shadows of nothingness, but from this plane they are real as long as the shadow lasts.

He steps forward, well armed, and the first phantom to conquer and put to flight is Self. Fear is the shadow of the real man. He must be fearless, for “he who hesitates is lost.” Caution guides his steps, and his lamp, or Divine Ray, illumines his path. Step by step he progresses; foes, real and unreal, are met with unyielding will, and a determination to return home the Master, the King, the Lord and Ruler of his own Kingdom. All must be brought to obedience and service of his Divine will.

Not forgetting the possibility of slipping too far on either side of the point of balance and becoming a tyrant on the one hand or a slave on the other, he keeps keenly alive to all conditions and wide-awake to all temptations that might prove pitfalls or unconquerable obstacles, and thus losing the freedom he seeks.

He is now traversing and experiencing another angle of the Watery Triangle — the realm of creative forms. On this side of the triangle is the fierce struggle for life going on. Life is sweet to the lowest forms of existence, and the battle to defend and preserve it is a battle to the death. This the warrior seeks to avoid — the premature cutting off of life, for that would rob him of their service and his rule.

Utilization is the secret of success, not waste nor abandon.

The greatest wisdom must be displayed in this realm of creation, where man imitates or obeys the command of his God: “Increase, multiply and replenish the Earth” — not with false images, that will eventually take form and become the shadows on the plane of matter, but truths, that will be solid stepping stones to higher rounds of being, and be of that nature where he can set them up as mile-stones to guide correctly the travelers who may follow him in adjoining countries.

The life-giving force that is generated on this side of the triangle is threefold in its influence and power of utilization.

Does the warrior want all his creations in material forms? Does he want only the fruits of matter, that so soon perish? Does he want to be buried in nothingness, from which eternal things cannot be born? No!

Allurements of the shadows are great, and he must constantly pray: “Lead us not into temptation.” The Balance must be brought into constant use, the Magic Lance ever borne aloft, so that in an unguarded moment he may not lose his way and be overcome by the snares ever lurking on this side of the triangle.

His first formulations, or conceptions, are here to take form and become active, living realities upon or in his kingdom.

Here comes the test of his work in the realms visible. The mystical sign of this Triplicity is revealed to the warrior as he enters its sphere. Unknown and undreamed-of trials and temptations, real and apparent obstacles will spring up at every step as he goes forth to attack, subdue, conquer and master.

To master is the watchword of the true warrior, knowing that in the sacrifice of forms new lives spring into existence, more formidable than those he sacrifices.

It is man’s duty to evolve, not destroy, and his creations must have the wings of the eagle, to bear them aloft above the illusions of matter.

Here the mind rises superior to the lower self; the lower must and will become the servant of the higher. Terrible will be the attack; not a moment must he rest; looking back will be fatal. In no part of the warfare must one stand so resolute, so steadfast, so courageous. No other part of the field is so boggy. The creations of sense and seeming are his enemies. No part of the journey is so full of rebellion, warring incessantly, until the whole circumference encircling his dominions is encompassed.

The vantage is not great in the realm ruled by Scorpio. The spark of light at the point of his lance will not pierce the darkness far, but each advancing step drives back to humble submission the lurking forms of the shadows.

At last what transpires? Instead of the creeping, slimy serpent, the aspirations have given it wings. The Scorpion has been transformed. It is now the eagle, able to soar in the water of the Infinite Waters of Life instead of creeping upon the battle ground of matter.

The work is done. The innocent, ignorant warrior returns the conqueror. He is bid to come up higher, and again he ascends to the top of his watch-tower and awaits his heritage.

[Having already shared the profiles of Libran and Scorpio US politicians, this follows up with profiles of the signs as described by SSG.]