Blog Sarah Stanley Grimké

A Tour Through the Zodiac- Virgo by Sarah Stanley Grimké

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The green ray is formed by the union of yellow and blue, so the spiritual quality corresponding to green is the blending of the yellow flame, from off the altar of trial and sacrifice, together with the blue of knowledge. The spiritual green resulting from this blending is that peculiar, burning, zealous knowledge which makes the warrior powerful and strong, or, in other words, “mighty in battle.”

But the warrior can never be mighty in battle in the midst of wholly unknown country. He must know the mountain passes, the location of bogs and quicksands, rivers and springs. He must understand all the physical and natural advantages and disadvantages of the enemy’s position and strongholds, or fortifications. And all this can be accomplished only by the union of skill (knowledge, blue) with daring (sacrifice, yellow). The union of these two results in green of power, a kind of knowing by which the whole vast field of warfare stands out, illuminated, to the mind’s eye of the warrior. Now the work of mixing together skill and daring, by means of which the country becomes known, is the work of reconnoitering.

Reconnoitering is therefore the subject of this lesson and the second side of my triangle. In planning for the work in hand I must first draw upon the knowledge already obtained of this perilous region of shadows and illusions.

Virgo is the symbol for the process of assimilation, which takes place in the intestines, or bowels, and if this process be incomplete or inharmonious, loss of strength is the immediate result. I become weak-kneed, unable to walk or even stand. Just so our Mother Earth (the Green Planet) has stored away for the use of her children, down in the caverns and spacious recesses of her bowels, a vast and complete laboratory, with all materials and chemical appliances at hand where daring reconnoiterers become the daring alchemists. Knowledge has been gained, and power obtained through assimilation to put that knowledge into practical use.

But where are those who do not assimilate the food provided by Mother Nature, who are indifferent to conditions, and fail to see and hear, who lack that burning zeal to reconnoiter so that they may make themselves acquainted with the various aspects of the country, hence fall into the refuse bogs and morasses and lose what strength they do have, become unable to walk, or even stand, and are finally cast out into the outer darkness of nothingness? Our Mother Earth is a just planet, and no goodie-goodie, stuffing obedient and disobedient alike with confectionery. Each attracts to himself the just compensation for the energy put forth, whether that be much or little, good or evil.

If I am deceived by the will-o’-the-wisps, or follow wandering doctrines, not only must I ask to be forgiven for my trespasses, but I am also sure to suffer some punishment or reprimand for my mistakes. Yet, if I am wise, I accept them thankfully and cheerfully, without repining, for thus are accomplished two things: First, the suffering is the healing remedy, which repairs the mischief; second, just as the mother takes more closely to her heart than ever before the truly penitent child, just so Mother Earth reveals her most precious secrets to her right-minded offspring, those who are patient under suffering and affliction and learn the lessons of remorse, suffering and humility, knowing that Nature is only asking, or demanding, a just retribution for violation of her laws.  Ignorance excuses not. Nothing but knowledge can enable one to escape the bogs and morasses of ignorance.

And thus right here, I see, comes the application of my lesson on the discipline of the ear. Reconnoitering puts to the test listening, or true humility. If the first and the second sides of this Earthy triangle are rightly constructed, then the second note of the chord will harmonize with the first, and I know that so far my work is well done.

But if I find discord, then it is an absolute certainty that the third side of my triangle will not fit, and if I undertake to advance upon the enemy’s territory, swift and sure defeat is before me. Therefore in all humility I set diligently to work to construct a map of the country I am about to invade, and procure a compass, so that I may not lose my way amidst the false doctrines which encompass me on every hand, at every turn, and the dense forests of “isms,” which bewilder and perplex.

This compass is but a simple Cross, which always points to the Pole-Star of Truth, arid indicates the four cardinal points of the Universe, and the fourfold division of both Macrocosm and Microcosm.

Aries, the Fiery, rules the Eastern terminus of this Rosy-Cross; Libra, the Airy, the Western; Capricorn, the Earthy (the most fixed and material), the Southern, while Cancer, the Watery, pure desire, forever aspires to the North of Truth and Freedom.

Thus the four points of the compass also express the four elements. Each element also expresses the fourfold constitution of man: Earth, Body; Fire, Finite Mind, or Fiery Body; Water, Soul; Air, Spirit.

There is nothing so penetrating as air, and no element so essential to life. In every form of life air is the potent, animating principle, and without the air (spirit) the other four elements would be useless. The spirit is one and indivisible, but the other three divisions of man are each dual, and thus results the sevenfold division of the Microcosm, or, going back to the four elements, I can regard each as triune, and from this division map out the Zodiac, this mazy wheel of life, and thus completing the reconnoiter of my great field of battle I boldly advance, clinging to my simple Solar Cross.