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The signs of the Watery Triplicity are pre-eminently fruitful signs, and, just as all physical germination, growth, prosperity, maternity and fruition depend for their existence on water, so must the germ seeds of aspiration be moistened by the waters of spiritual life before they will germinate and bear us outward fruit; and we may go further, and say that the very first primordial germ of organic life itself, in the first faint blush of the dawn of God’s creation, had its origin in the element known as water. So, on the higher planes of living there must be the Water of Life, the springs and fountains of which sustain soul fruition.
Desire is the first side of the fruitful triangle, that which the soul ardently longs for, that which the soul will fight for until all obstacles are vanquished, but when there is no desire the soul seed will attract no moisture to enable it to send forth its tiny shoots up toward the Sunlight of Truth. Yet, to the truly aspiring soul this Water of Life is not anything external to the soul itself. On the contrary, it is the very element which, self-generating, flows like an ocean of Infinite love from the celestial, Deific center of its birthplace onward and downward through myriads of solar centers and starry systems until it reaches its perihelion point upon some earth, the external battle ground of matter, whereon it enters the good fight against the blind force of lower nature, to return at the ebb of its own celestial tide, triumphant, through countless spiritual states and spheres of glorious, pulsating life.
Aspiring is breathing, and true breathing creates an atmosphere about the soul germ which will in itself collect together moisture and generate the seed. The seed that is planted at the proper cyclic period can, through desire and aspiration, be watered from time to time until the harvest is most bountiful. Born in water, nourished with water, dissolved again in water, to be born upon higher planes of life. Existence is eternal, but spheres and planes are eternally changing. Promotion is the law of God, and the warrior can, by his own efforts, shorten his warfare upon the battle ground of materiality by becoming familiar with his own country, and, through the knowledge of its layout, the points of vantage and disadvantage, he can soon rise to the apex of the Watery Triangle.
Cancer represents on the Earth the oceans and their correspondences, the broad expanse of the spiritual Water of Life on the spiritual plane. Here the soul is nearing the Divine center of its being. True inspiration here takes place, that Divine respiration, where each inhalation and exhalation is in harmony with the ebb and flow of the tides of spiritual life. Hence inspiration naturally belongs to the signs of the Watery Triplicity. The natural moisture that will bring forth to external life the latent possibilities, or seeds of the soul, is desire, aspirations and creations from material (knowledge) accumulated while traversing the battle ground up to the present plane of warfare.
Through the Water of Life knowledge has been born on the journey, so that his bread is the knowledge of good and evil, of polar opposites, and when his eyes take the observations of the flights of the birds the law of contradictories will direct his judgments and his movements.He has learned the law governing the blind forces of Nature, and now, instead of obeying their orders, he, himself, has become the triumphant master of these forces, and the elements, as well, as the elementals, of each realm are now his servants and slaves, moving and obeying is kingly commands.Another step is taken in the watchtower, and so cautiously has he moved over his ground, and so thoroughly mastered every condition as he proceeded, that now he is monarch of all he surveys from the point of observation that he has reached, and rightly earned, in his fearless march through the field of battle. He now knows the extent of his immediate battle ground, the force of the enemy, the obstacles to surmount, the fortifications to throw up; but, being armed with the Lance of Truth and Knowledge and his path illuminated by his Ray-of- Light, he prepares to descend from his tower and take full possession of his country, or his own individual universe, and, with his queen.
The natural moisture that will bring forth to external life the latent possibilities, or seeds of the soul, is desire, aspirations and creations from material (knowledge) accumulated while traversing the battle ground up to the present plane of warfare.Through the Water of Life knowledge has been born on the journey, so that his bread is the knowledge of good and evil, of polar opposites, and when his eyes take the observations of the flights of the birds the law of contradictories will direct his judgments and his movements.
He has learned the law governing the blind forces of Nature, and now, instead of obeying their orders, he, himself, has become the triumphant master of these forces, and the elements, as well, as the elementals, of each realm are now his servants and slaves, moving and obeying his kingly commands. Another step is taken in the watch-tower, and so cautiously he moved over his ground, and so thoroughly mastered every condition as he proceeded, that now he is monarch of all he surveys from the point of observation that he has reached, and rightly earned, in his fearless march through the field of battle.He now knows the extent of his immediate battle ground, the force of the enemy, the obstacles to surmount, the fortifications to throw up; but, being armed with the Lance of Truth and Knowledge and his path illuminated by his Ray-of- Light, he prepares to descend from his tower and take full possession of his country, or his own individual universe, and, with his queen, reign supreme. “Give us this day our daily food” is herein signified, and it must be drawn by the Divine Center of our being from the infinite ocean of spiritual life.Man can draw, through respiration, all the moisture he wishes to nourish the seeds of immortal life.The breathing known by all true warriors, that breathing of soul to soul, of God to Man, of Man to Woman, of Infinite to Finite, of Great to Small, is the harmonious relationship of polar opposites, and soul affinities will bring the requisite harmony and union of the finite to the infinite.The perfect response of the body to mind, when the interior and exterior breathing is going on alternately, will set the soul free to soar aloft amidst its own special sphere of life, to grow and gain knowledge of its own in the realm of realities, that he may learn their laws, and thus become the master of their reflections on the battlefield of matter.
The wielding of the scepter of aspiration calls forth inspiration, and sets in motion the creative power of thought. Here, again, the warrior is cautioned, in his work of creation, that he create not impossibilities and unthinkabilities, lest they become unconquerable foes on other planes, or rounds, of the esoteric ladder. Is the warrior to create new forms of life, that will prove willing slaves or rebellious tyrants in his kingdom? This is a portion of his breadmaking. This is a generous realm, where the vibrations are set up by the soul’s ardent desires and aspirations, and the creations are limited only by the will.If he has not learned how to watch and wait, listen, and obey the God within, stumbling blocks will surely arise at an unguarded moment, and be as fungi in his kingdom when taking form on the second side of the triangle of this triplicity.In no realm is the reconnoiterer to be more guarded in his movements, for creation follows every action. The Lance is here needed to put to instant flight the false imaginings of the soul before being vitalized and taking on form.