Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, which he broadened into his Unified Field Theory, in which there is a single mathematical equation of eight characters for light, gravitation and electromagnetism has not worked out due to the Principle of Indeterminacy where the Quantum of Action of particles is involved. This, in turn, is due to the energies of these particles being too close to the borderline where they partake of astral properties. But Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity has now become almost universally accepted by physicists the world over and has become the foundation of the physics as taught at present in our universities. (The Next Life)
Upton Sinclair reported friendship with Einstein in southern California in his autobiography:
I had been corresponding with Einstein for some years. He had read some of my books and had written me: “To the most beautiful joys of my life belongs your wicked tongue.” He had promised to come to see me, and soon after his arrival in Pasadena, Craig’s sister Dolly came in and reported, “There’s an old man walking up and down on the street, and he keeps looking at the house.” Craig said “Go out and ask what he wants.” Dolly went and came back to report, “He says he’s Dr. Einstein.” Craig said “Go bring him in,” and called to me. Such was the beginning of as lovely a friendship as anyone could have in this world. I report him as the kindest, gentlest, sweetest of men. He had a keen wit, a delightful sense of humor, and his tongue could be sharp, but only for the evils of this world. I don’t like the word “radical,” but that is the word that the world chose to employ about me, and Einstein was as radical as I was.
PREFACE (to Mental Radio)
I have read the book of Upton Sinclair with great interest and am convinced that the same deserves the most earnest consideration, not only of the laity, but also of the psychologists by profession. The results of the telepathic experiments carefully and plainly set forth in this book stand surely far beyond those which a nature investigator holds to be thinkable. On the other hand, it is out of the question in the case of so conscientious an observer and writer as Upton Sinclair that he is carrying on a conscious deception of the reading world; his good faith and dependability are not to be doubted. So if somehow the facts here set forth rest not upon telepathy, but upon some unconscious hypnotic influence from person to person, this also would be of high psychological interest. In no case should the psychologically interested circles pass over this book heedlessly.
[signed] A. Einstein
May 23, 1930