Blog Genevieve Stebbins Norman Astley Sarah Stanley Grimké

The Astleys in Carmel Woods

Carmel Woods is an unincorporated community founded in 1922. Although Norman and Genevieve Astley returned to America in 1917, the earliest California address I found was the 1920 census which has them on Del Monte Avenue in Monterey; they first appear in Carmel in the 1926 city directory. They remained here until Genevieve’s death and Norman’s departure for England in 1934.

One remaining puzzle is where Burgoyne and Grimke had lived while writing The Light of Egypt in 1886-88. His mailing address was a post office box in Monterey at the time, but writing a book at Point Lobos would be impractical for someone living in Monterey in 1887, a long horseback ride of fifteen miles round trip, so living in the Carmel area and occasionally going into Monterey to the post office makes sense as a possibility for their living arrangements as co-authors. Here is a community history.