This article naming Hurrychund Chintamon as a participant in the 1874 International Congress of Orientalists was published September 17 in the Morning News of London, the same year that his first book was published. Still in London in 1889, he was a Marathi language instructor at the School for Modern Oriental Studies.
The works of fiction recently shared here from P. B. Randolph and Max Theon have very different relationships to history. Tom Clark and His Wife is an autobiographical novel describing a real sea voyage, with many references to historical persons known by Randolph and prominent religious and military leaders. Attanee Oannes is an entirely fictional creation not referring to any historical persons. The name Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor seems to reflect the North African preoccupations of Theon. The 1909 dissolution of the US HBofL was followed by a name change to the Brotherhood of Light and recruitment of Elbert Benjamine to write the group’s lessons. After the death of his wife in 1908, Theon had retired from the spiritual leadership role which had been a joint enterprise with Alma for twenty-five years.
Although not a prolific author, Hurrychund Chintamon was a serious literary intellectual as well as a creative photographer well acquainted with Indian royalty. His Commentary on the Text of the Bhagavad-Gita is on the same philosophical level as the writings of Thomas Moore Johnson and Alexander Wilder. The article excerpted above is the only one to name his wife, Damodu Nana, as Mrs. Chintamon, but so far I have not found any further information about her.